How did we get here?
Since the early 1800s, the Henry, Oldham/Trimble, and Shelby Baptist Associations worked in their respective geographical areas to promote the Good News of Jesus. The question was raised, “Could we do a better job if we worked together?” In 2018 three Associational Mission Strategists began to discuss that question and pray about ways to improve our ability to help churches and pastors. After two years of prayer, the Lord planted a vision for the conversation to continue, with new voices added to the discussion. Twelve people were invited to investigate how we might reach people for Christ more effectively.
The twelve were elected from the three associations to begin dreaming together. Thus, the Area Cooperative Team was born in 2020. This new group prayed and discussed what might happen if we united our efforts to start a new partnership. The course of the next several months found the Team investigating different models for pursuing our full Kingdom potential. The Lord then led the Area Cooperative Team to propose a merger of our resources and efforts. Initial governing documents were written, including a vision and mission statement, constitution, budget, and job descriptions. The structure would feature an empowered team paradigm that would free elected teams to initiate ministries on behalf of the churches.
An initial Board of Directors was formed from the members of the Area Cooperative Team to begin the legal work necessary to become the North Central Baptist Network. In October of 2021, all the Associations voted on the plan at their Annual Meetings. The collective affirmative vote was 94% in favor of proceeding with the merger. On March 1, 2022, sixty-one churches became the North Central Baptist Network. The purpose of the new Network is to “encourage, strengthen, and support our Network churches in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of God.”