Local Ministry Partners

  • A Loving Choice

    Our vision is to reach women and men with the truth about the dangers of abortion, the benefits of sexual abstinence, the blessing of marriage versus cohabitation, the joys of parenting, the positive aspects of adoption, the hope of healing after an abortion, and the love of Jesus Christ.

  • Awake Ministries

    Helping hurting people discover their need for recovery through Jesus Christ.

  • Crossroads Pregnancy Resource Center

    There Is Hope

    We Are Here For You.

    An unplanned pregnancy can seem impossible, but you are not alone. With all the unknowns and questions that come up along this new journey, we are here to help and support you during this time. Confirm your pregnancy with our no-cost and confidential pregnancy services, and learn about all your pregnancy options. Receive clarity and advice from our non-judgmental and supportive team today!

  • Disaster Relief

    More than 4,500 individuals are trained as Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief workers. Volunteers can staff feeding units designed to deliver thousands of hot meals on short notice; move in with chainsaws to help remove debris; do the dirty work of helping families remove mud from flooded homes; and provide many other disaster relief services.

  • Good News Homes

    Good News Homes is a faith-based organization that exists to help displaced or at-risk families, especially those who are underserved, find housing and/or related resources that can help them become or stay self-sufficient.

  • High Point Charitable Services

    HighPoint Charitable Services is a volunteer driven organization working to bring wholeness to the community, share the gospel and meet physical needs. HighPoint exists to meet the needs of children, fragile adults, the elderly, and families. HighPoint helps with resources to reduce the suffering of families caught in the cycle of hunger, poverty, and homelessness.

  • Hope Health Clinic

    A charitable medical clinic serving indivduals living in Oldham, Henry, Trimble, Carroll & Eastern Jefferson Counties in Kentucky.

  • KBC Christmas Backpack Program

    For many children, a backpack from Kentucky Baptists may be all they get for Christmas.

    Only 4 states have a higher percentage of children living in poverty than Kentucky. Let’s exceed the goal of collecting 10,000 backpacks from Kentucky Baptist churches! Many of the backpacks collected will be distributed directly to children living in poverty in Kentucky, while others will go to needy children in our partner SEND City, Cincinnati.

    “Let’s not neglect to do good and share what we have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” Hebrews 13:16

  • Kentucky Baptist Convention

    The Kentucky Baptist Convention is a cooperative missions and ministry organization made up of nearly 2,400 autonomous Baptist churches in Kentucky. These churches have a total membership of more than 750,000 people.

    The term “Kentucky Baptist Convention” refers to both the denomination and its annual meeting. Working through 71 local associations and in cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention, Kentucky Baptists share a common bond of basic Biblical beliefs and a commitment to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire world.

  • Henry County Project, June 22-28, 2024

    Applications are being accepted now from low-income, Henry Co. homeowners who need help with exterior repairs on their homes. If you live in Henry Co. and need repairs done on your home, OR if you know someone who lives in Henry Co. and needs exterior home repairs, please contact Jon Auten at jauten@ncbnetwork.org to receive a Homeowner Application that is quick and easy to complete.

    Kentucky Changers is a unique opportunity for students and adults to discover that our mission is not about location — it’s a lifestyle. Participants will be challenged to live out their faith during these week-long camps by getting their hands dirty while serving people throughout Kentucky.

  • Mercy Medical, Operation Care

    Mercy Medical is a Christ-centered, state- licensed medical/dental clinic. We are a member of both the National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics and the Kentucky Free Clinic Association. We are staffed by volunteer medical and dental providers, nurses, ancillary medical staff, pastoral caregivers, interpreters, and office professionals.

    The mission of Mercy Medical Clinic is to provide compassionate medical and dental care to uninsured and financially disadvantaged people, and we accept qualified patients as space becomes available. The average wait time for an initial appointment is less than one week.

  • RIMM Rock

    New Trip Planned for Summer 2024.

    CLick on button below for more information.

    • July 7-15- Central Utah

    • VBS (Creation Science Club)

    • Central Utah Missions Discovery Tour.

    • Cost- $900 (Travel included)

    RIMM Rock stands for Rural Intermountain Ministry and Missions. Rimrock is also a prominent geological feature of the western United States. RIMM Rock provides missional, and evangelistic support to churches in rural areas of the 11 western states (Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and California). We do so by providing quality mission trip to churches here in Kentucky and surrounding states. Our goal is three fold. First we want to connect eastern and western churches for ongoing missions relationships. Secondly, we hope to strengthen churches in the isolated rural areas of the west. Finally, we hope this work will result in planting new churches in these needy, unreached areas.

  • Russian Ministry- Nickolai Syrovatko

    Dear brethren and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ,

    “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I give praise to my God at every memory of you, And in all my prayers for you all, making my request with joy” (Php 1:2-4)

    I am glad to use the opportunity God has given me to fellowship with you and your churches. I thank God that He continues His work of saving sinners and growing us spiritually as His workers in sharing the Gospel.

    I periodically try to imagine how our brotherly fellowship might go at a time when the world is going through difficult times and the Church of Christ must remain faithful to the Lord and loving toward people who are "wandering like sheep without a keeper”. I feel I need your advice, encouragement, and ministry together as much as possible in today's circumstances. Along with our pastors and church leaders, I thank all friends for their prayers and concerns for us.

    I continue to help a group of local churches with whom I have been serving and cooperating for a long time and who need care and help in various ministries. The core of my assistance is in the area of discipleship and the spiritual condition of church members. I spend a lot of time preparing sermons, lessons for Bible study groups, and materials for training small group leaders.

    Unfortunately, the current needs and problems in the economy and warfare are greatly hindering church activities. Therefore, the main task of each church is to survive and support each other. Although our successes are modest, we try not to lose our optimism and faith in God's promises. We live on our knees and ask all friends to support us in their regular prayers.

    God has blessed us through the cold season and now we are asking Him to open the doors for ministry during the summer months, which is the best time in our region to evangelize and catch those whose souls are seeking God. We need your prayerful support in this work as well.

    I am adding photos of various moments while visiting local churches. As always, I hope they can tell more than my story in English. As an example, I am also attaching the contents of the Bible study group leader's manual.

    Please give my brotherly greetings to your friends who have visited Russian churches in the past, are interested in the life of our churches, and are praying for us. I know that some people on the mailing list are not receiving my letters because their mail server - Windstream.net - is down. It would be good for me if you would share this email with them as well, and they would respond to me through another email address if that is possible for them.

    Our prayer is God continues to bless you, your families and churches at every current need for the fulfilment of His commands and for your comfort, sincerely, in Christ,

    Nickolai Syrovatko.

  • Southern Baptist Convention

    The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is a body of like-minded local churches cooperating together to reach the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. There are currently more than than fifty thousand Southern Baptist cooperating churches and church-type missions. Though as many as two hundred could be counted as “mega-churches,” the vast majority run less than two hundred in weekly worship. No two churches are alike; but there are certain commonalities that bind Southern Baptists together, regardless of race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, language, size, or location.

  • Shelby Touched Twice

    Planning for STT Clinic 2025 is in the works!

    Shelbyville comes together and serve God and our Communities, God Loves you and God Bless You! Your Sister in Christ.”

    We are excited to see what God has in store for us at our 15th Annual Shelby Touched Twice Clinic. Would you be willing to join us and volunteering to minister to our neighbors in Shelby County? For more information, please visit our Facebook page- Shelby Touched Twice. To contact us, please email at shelbytouchedtwice.com or call and leave a message at 502-437-9437.

    Please consider ways that you can help us: sponsor a food or toiletry drive, donate bibles, make a financial donation, bake cakes or muffins to be served at the clinic, and/or be a prayer warrior for us as we plan and minister to our Guest. We would love to come and speak to your church about how your congregation can become involved!

    Thank you to all the many North Central Baptist Network churches and members who serve with us each year!